JUNE ‘67 - SIX DAYS OF WAR PART 1: Background
In six days, Israel attacked and defeated the armies of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, redrawing the map of the Middle East. Why did the war happen? Why did Israel win so decisively, despite being outnumbered and surrounded? How does this war impact the current state of affairs with Israel and its neighbors?
Prior to discussing the course of the Six Day War, it is important to understand the historical background to the conflict. This episode covers the historical background of Israel and Palestine from circa 2000 BC to 1956 AD. This includes the Biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judah, rule by the Babylonians, Persians, and Romans, the Arab conquest and Ottoman rule. Moving to modern times, we discuss the history of the Zionist movement and efforts to establish a two-state solution for a Jewish and Arab Palestinian state, which led to the Israeli war of independence 1948-49, tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and the 1956 Suez War.